Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

randome mumblings...

crikey.. i'm sick again... damn... must get more rest. well it's pms plus not enough sleep. i've been eating tonnes lately.. couldn't stop snakcing on chips or timtams and i dotn like to snack on chips normally.

my driving was good today. nearly rammed a car on my right when i didn't look and tried to swtich lanes but that's okie. (-120 dollars for 2 lessons)

before that i was at melb central altering some pants and OMG it cost me a BOMB. 51 dollars just for 3 pants. that's it! i'm buying a sewing machine and charging ppl 10 for altering their pants. man, they could make a forunte out of this. did you just say the overlocker? it can't alter all pants...

learnt how to suture mroe stuff today hurray!! and Neko finally learned how to put her paw up when i say "paw" heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so proud of her!

i started this whole book of saving thing. writing down my accoutn balance and what i spend on. hopefully it'll help me keep track of my spending. also, decided to save all my coins from now on. hahahhahahahhahahhaha.......................

save money save money save money

drive drive drive....

stud study study and get my f***ing assigments done asap so that id ont have to bother rushing the deadline for them.

kk, better rest now..


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