Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

driving 102

Sigh.. i didn't progress as much as i wanted today. was so unsure of what speed i was going and whether i was keeping the car on the road. i really need a whole lot more practise if i am to pass and drive by next year.

i shall do mondays now in addition to wednesdays and saturdays. i really must get this driving thing right..

today, i had an exceptionally high numbers of drivers honking at me or signalling at me to get out of their way. .... like.. can't they just be more patient? Like ello.. it was on a 20km/hour or 40km/hour speed limit road at a residential area. and i was driving at 20-30kn/hour. okie i know, i'm pretty slow on the turns but would you rather me be slow or jamm brake then let you ram my car at my back?

geee.. last week's lesson was fun and exciting. today's was crap. perhaps coz i didn't progress as much.. i dunnoe.. i better start taking mroe lessons... after all, this is only my 3rd one. i find it hard to keep my car straight on the road, look at the speed metre, and look at cars aroudn me at the same time..

must must must must driveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee more PRACTICE!


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