Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, August 28, 2006

huh? that's it?

OMG... my week end is just GONE like that... no work done, no shopping, no relaxing.. sigh...

i so wanted to shop for some sports stuff on saturday.i really need some new sports wear. underwear for that matter... but i was down at bud and jo's place doing hoodies. it's okie i can always shop "on my way back home from school" hahahhaa.. reliefs much stress. but no work done?? sigh..

i often hear people in flare going how they can't do gigs/events/production coz they have alot of work to go. sigh... it just makes me feel so guilty. i have motherlode alot of things to do too.. why do i still put myself in this stressful situation? well, simple, i can't bear to give up the fun and satisfaction of performing. i keep concsoling myself.."it's only this week, it's only this week," but it ends up being every week.

although nothing beats the satisfied feeling i get.. i really should start to leave weekends to my work. then again. its only this weekend that we had to go hoodies and hence kept me away from my work. there i go agin.. "this week only"

must wokr harder.. i have path test nect monday whoch means i have to study now coz i have a gig next weekend. fuck.. so screwed.. path is my worst subject and it's a 10 % or more test i think.. must study....

unfortunately, i spend the rest of my short afternoon today re-settling the costume catologe for flare. and it angers me to think of how some people refuse to retrn costumes. i do know some of these people.. but how am i to ask them? i really dont mind and the committe wouldn't mind too if they requested to keep the costume/props coz of sentimental value but to steal them is dispicable. and i had to keep my window open when i was doing the re-counting of evrything coz the costumes stank liek crazy. even Neko wouldnt go near them.

on a happier note, my driving instructor promised me that i will get my lisence by the end of this year. coz i told him of how worried i was... =) and he said that i made tremendous improvement in my turning. though there was an instant when i overtunred and nearly hit the car parked near the turn. hahaha.. had a slight heart attack there.

oh. and let me introduce....
Femi (meaning, "love me", an African name) the elephant,
Tallulah(which means "leaping water" in Choctaw Indian) the bear(i suppose she's a grizzly bear) ,
Kiah(means, "from the beautiful place" in Australian aboriginal language) the piggy and of course,
Neko the naughty cat who tried to squeeze out of the glass window today. gave me and ni a heart attack.


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