Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Friday, September 08, 2006


i feel oddly alone... not that i hate it, but it's not that i like it either.

really should be doing work.. but i cant help but think of stuff..

had good talk with my fren today, we were talking about how in first year, you hate mebourne, and you feel that the only reason u are here is to study and after that, you are so gone.. back to singapore. then in 2nd year, you think, yeah,, maybe i'll stay, maybe i wont, maybe i'll work here for a while. then in third year now, both of us are actaully thinking of staying... if possible.

much has chnaged since first year, frens, family, frens back home, houses, pets, dressing, spending power, social parties etc etc.. my life is so much more happening and happy now. But whenever i think of the past, i feel this horrible Pain... the loniless, the misery. perhaps the reason why i dont like to feel alone is coz it brings back all the pain in the past. although i dont feel so much of this pain anymore, it still haunts me sometimes.

but life was not all misery then, i had some really really good frens whom i am sad to say, had drifted apart a little. but the good thing is, i can't help but feel that there's this mutual understanding whenever we meet up. kinda like, there's no need to talk often, coz when we do talk, it'll feel like it was just yesterday when we saw each other. =)

but we should meet up soon..


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