Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Make Over

made my room over today. felt that i needed a change of some environment.. hmmmm Ni and i realised we kinda need more furniture and i need to get that ugly costume box out of the hall way too...

haha, now my room looks realli ching chong. but i can one. =p a banana to be precise.

but i can't find a nice place to put the lovely birthday frame up! i have to get my ass to the hard ware stopre and get some screws that will hold the heavy thing in place.

Ni and i also decided to buy soem princess stickers for the toilet and make it all GIRLY. heehehehe.. the living/dining hall remains african. hoho..

i think i need another picture for the living room.. i moved the "mixology" poster to my kitchen bench. it fits. it make the bench look like a "TABLE" of alcohol. coz the posture is called "periodictable of mixology"

hahhahaha.. [why am i soooooooooo lame today?]

and when i get my car and have settled down next year, i'll get a bed frame.



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