Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

check this out...

Our beloved senoir minister, on the spotlight of my favourite website. well one of the...

I know how much ppl say he's a tyrant etc etc. but you cannot deny the fact that he did lead us to independence (well not intentional) and he did fast forward our country from developing to developed as compared to our neightbours. (no offence guys...)

anywayz, today was so nice to spend some time at the beach. i havent felt sand under my feet for ages! and it feels good. we were there to celebrate Lisa's birthday. happy birthday girly! as usual, the gang did crazy stuff on the beach. joon and inggrid dug themselves into the sand as fast as possible to compete, we had our footprints imprinted onto the sand to..

and of course we had knuckles to pet and sayang!

OOoooo whata day!

but i was so bored later in the evening.. lucky i had snow white and the bachelor on tv to keep my company.

then again, to feel bored like this once in a while is a luxury. i haven't done 'nothing' like this in a long time.


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