Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, August 14, 2006

thank you everyone!!!

OMGoodness... the shock of my life.. i'm still recovering from shock!!!

"happy birthday..." sang everyone as grace poped out of a corner with a cake.

so i joined in.. "oh.. happy brithday... HUH??????"

it was for me............................. this is the 3rd celebration i had wiht flare so far!!!! ohhhhhhhh i feel like the luckist person on this earth!!!


no wonder.. junni told me to dress nicer when i wanted to go there in jeans, no wonder sherleen was talking so much in the car and on the way.(yes girl, you talk alot when u are nervous!) no wonder sher went to find her "walllet" (i was like.. since when she lost her wallet??? she's so meticulous... how can she lose it?? no wonder am called to sya the drivers will be "late". (like huh? we never bothered who was going to be late when meeting in a big grp coz everyone will be late eventually..) no wonder the car ride to the restaurant took so longggggggggg.. ness was driving at 50kmperhour and took long long turns. and xiaoyun just HAD to go withdraw money before we go off. no wonder Ni knew about how kel was going to call me before i was allowed to come out of the toilet. like huh? how did she know? hmmm.. no wonder no wonder..

heehee.. thank you everyone!!! i LOVE the candlesss and the softtoys!!! and i'm sure neko will ove it too! (she crawled into the basket just now to lie down for a while then jumped off when i picked th ebasket up)

thank you everyone!!! MUACKS!!!

oh... and how could i forget the cartoon drawing of me and everyone who signed it???? it;s just so lovely... it's going up on my wall, and it wont come down for a LONGGGGG time,,


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