Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

what a sad christmas...

they just had to leave... my parents, they just had to leave for hong kong this christmas. and they jad had to bring my younger brother and sister. then later on i found out that stephanie is working till 12 on christmas eve.

i was quite upset when i heard that my parents had to go to hong kong for a business trip and they had to spend chritmas there. they went to KL the day after i came home to singapore, and 2 days after they came back to singapore, they went to hong kong.

initially i didn't really care coz i was working(volunteering actually) at the SPCA this week, and i didn't really have the energy to think about christmas.

then this morning, i got up and it suddenly hit me.. it's christmas eve!!!! but i have nothing on..

i called my mom, and she's attending a gathering at this auntie's place whom i'm not close to and i know i will not feel comfortable there.. they will all start asking me stupid qns about my "other" family. or else.. the nastier ones will taunt me. and besides, i have no one to talk to there!

i called my other frens, and they are either going clubbing with bf or have have gatheringsd with their families.. there are some who are free.. but later on my sunt invited me to her house for dinner with my uncle, auntie and grandparents (my father's side lah,.,) so i tot, i'd better go, and the same time, i can meet my cousins there. one of them whom is going to be my room-mate next year.

the food was good, and we talked a lot... for a moment i tot the christmas spirit was present.. but it faded off when my cousins told me that they were going out with their frens. Ni asked me to join them, but i was hesitant.. i was going out with a group of ppl i dont know and besides, i wasn't wearing a pair of very comfortable shoes.. how to dance??? also.. they all live very far from tanah merah.. i dont wanna go home alone! so i decided not to go.. also, my mom is coming to pick me up tmr mornign to go for lunch and some shopping maybe? so... maybe not..

now i wish i stayed at home to play my sims game.. what a lousy christmas this year..


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