Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

ning feels proud.. =p

it's 2.25 in the morning and i'm not sleeping yet!!! no, i'm not studying this time. hahah.., i didn;t study much today in fact. feel kinda bad but i know i'm so much mroe prepared for this semester's exams compared to last semester.

the reason why i dont wanna go to bed is becoz,. i have so many things on my mind right now.. and i would liek to type it down.. heee.. so i dont think about it too much!

1st.. my grandma's bravery just gave me that super encouragement to study harder and smarter!!! she's been taking care of my brother and i as if we were her children, not grandchildren.. and if u're thinking that there isn't a diff, ure wrong, there is a bigggggg difference!! i really love her, she's been sooo annoying naggy to me for the past 20 years of my life! but everything she says and does is out of concern for me. i promise myself to study hard ans smart and do my very best in my exams. not onli in exams.. in life overall.. like an overachiever u know what i mean? haha

2nd: i feel proud of myself.. i know this is kinda boastful for me to say this, bug i really feel that i'm so much more independent now compared to last year and compared when i was in my JC. i remember coming back to melb alone this semester and i was very sad coz i was afraid that my life here was going to be bad like last semester. but before i boarded the plane, i went to the toilet to cry and told myslef that i must face the fact that i have chosen to study here coz i wanna be a vet, and i will make full use of my time here and enjoy and achieve.. =) hhah and i did!!!!

3rd: i also feel that i'm a better person now.. more mature, more streetwise etc.. recently, many of my frens have been having their personally problems, and i've been talking and helping and encourgaing them.. =) it feels soooooooooooooooooo good to help ppl..

4th: also, i feel that i've made achievements in my studies and my dance!!! oh well, i didn;t score fantastically well in my studies, but the fact that i could juggle dance and my studies pretty well to at least pass well is amazing!!! i feel so proud and good.. hahah..

5th: i feel so much more prepared for my exams this semester.. last sem, i wrote a letter to myself.. it was on the night of my birthday and i was studying for my physiology exam. it reads " help! i'm going to die for physiology later. why didn;t i start earlier? it's just been a very bad semester. it will nto be repeated! next time, you come back, prepared mentally, physically, and emotionally for ya life here" and i did.. i started stuyding earlier and i managed my time properly.. feel so good.. =)

okie okie.. if i say anymroe, ppl reading this will just puke... ahaha.. yeah.. kinda proud of myself today. =p


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