Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

family blues

i called back home just now. it has been such a long time since i called back home to speak to my stepmom, dad, siblings and grandma. and i get this impression that they are falling apart without me there. especially my brother and stepsister.

the moment my uncle ks and aunty ginnie and their son, ryan comes back from KL, my stepsister 'disappears'. she goes out to stay in her father's house coz she doean't want to see my uncle. she doesn't join us for any of our gatherings which involve my guma and gujiong especially. the reason why she doesn't go along is coz she feels very uncomfortable. i understand.. i mean, who wouldn't feel that way?? if only i was there, i would encourage her to go along and help her feel less uncomfortable and fit in.

then my brother... sigh.. i know how much he loves to spend his weekends at my mom's place. but he's starting to isolate himself from our family... he woould skip dinner and lunch gatherings with our family. then my uncles and aunties would ask me (if i was around) where he went to... i know he has mroe freedom and more fun in my mom's house. but sometimes, he really must make an effort to bond with our family. at least that bare minimum!! but he doesn;t. well he's still a kid.. he wouldnt understand much. if i was there, i would regulate his time spend at both of my parent's sidess....

then my gujiong and my father's relationship is getting bad to worst. so is my stepmom's relationship with my uncle ks.. etc the changing of maids, my grandma's health, no one in singapore to help.... etc.. so many things..

sigh... when i was in singapore, i hated the fact that i had to deal with all this family problems.. having to withstand naggings and complains from both sides and to rely the msg was intorable.. but now, i wish i was there to solve the problems..


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