Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Friday, October 21, 2005

the ultimate update... part 1: limelight

whao.. it's been agesssssssss since i last blogged properly.. i've just been soooo busy with my studies and flaredance... but flaredance is over for now, not totally over of course, just production is over, and it's time for me to start studying..

production week: LIMELIGHT!!!!

anywayz, my dance club, flaredance emsemble had a production last week, on the 13th to 15th october.. we had 3 shows, 3 fantastic shows!!! for the whole of last week, i was soooooooo freaking busy, there were sooo many rehearsals to attend and i had to skip some of my classes for it, but it was worth!!!

as if the many rehearsal and my 33 contact hours of uni isn't enough, i had 2 tests that week!!! yes.. it was such a torture... the onli time i felt happy when when i was dancing or when i was hanging out my dance mates...

there was a rehearsal every day on that week, including the sunday on the week before!!! and the worst part, my tests were on monday and friday! the test on monday was my biochem test, it was so freaking hard to study and remember all the structure, molecules, pathways etc etc, and i couldn't study much the week before coz of my Crunk'D competition. in other words, i basically onli had that sunday to squeeze in everything before my monday test. thatsunday night, i stayed up till 4.,30 am to study, btu i still couldn;t finish studying... just before i took the test on monday, i became very upset with myself and i knew i was going to fail... but in the end, i passed by 1 mark.. 31/60 hahahahaha..

then after that biochem test on monday, i had to go to union theatre for my lighting rehearsal... the lighting rehearsal onli lasted 1/2 hour, but i felt very upset after that, coz i was just soooooo worried about my dance piece... i have too many ppl in my piece, and they never turn up all at once before, i had just too many things to worry about in my piece... i actually broke down in front of jean.. then suddenly, i met jane as we were walking back to vet sch, they both convinced me that things will work out eventually... and it did.. =)

the next few days, tuesday onwards, was a freaking busy... i was in the threatre for the whole of my evenings, from 5 till late! but i had sooooooo much fun performing!!! tuesday was a tech run, and it was the first time we got to see how the other dances looked like on stage, with full make up and costumes. when the whole tech run was over, i knew this year's show as better than last year's!! on wednesday we had a full dress rehearsal.. man i had such trouble changing!!! coz i'm actually in 4 dances pieces. if i add the finale, it's 5!!! but i love dancing!! =)

we had our first show on thursday, and seats weren't full, but there were still many ppl.. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... but after the show, i felt soooooooooo bad.. coz i had a test the next day, (friday) and i haven started studying for the test yet!!! and yet, i still stayed on for the briefing after the show, even though my other vet frens already went home to study... that night, i stayed up till 4.30am before i slept. i just couldn't study anymore.. in the morning before the test, i felt soooooo upset with myslef, i broke down in front of priscilla.. i just felt sooooooo disappionted with myself... coz i know i can do more, study more and all that. but on that thursday night, i just couldn't, coz i was too tired, i just couldn't push myself anymore, so i went to bed not knowing half of everything.. luckily however, i felt that i could borderline pass after i did the test,, prob coz it was easy... i got 26/35.

i felt so relief after the test. my performances on friday and saturday felt so enjoyable!!!!!!!!!!!! coz all my tests were over, and all i cared about at that weekend was my dance!!!!

btw, we actually were sold out on friday and saturday!! how cool is that????!!!!! hahahahha

my vet frens came to support me on friday night.. so nice right,, they said the show was awesome!! and i danced well.. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

a funny tale: in fionna's item, there was a part where my fellow dancers had to tear my raincoat off, and on friday, this guy in the audiemce went "whao" quite loudly, and everyone laughed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahhaa i laughed too of course..

then on saturday, was the ultimate!!! just the thought of it being the last time you'll every perform those dances that youve been learning for the whole year was too much to take!!! i spent the whole of my afternoon with sher, in starbucks, writing little notes of appreciation to my closer flarians and attaching lollies to them.

not onli was sat the last night of our performance, it was also the day that most of my frens came to support me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha, when grace came back from her dance, which was the first item, she told me how that gang of frenz were sitting in the front row!! i shouted "shit!!!!!!!" at the top of my lungs coz i knewwwwwwwwwww they were so going to make fun of me!!!! and in derrick's dance, the crunk'd one, they all shouted "ah chuan!!! " so loudly!! it was soooooooo funny!! all my frens on stage started to giggle, coz the funny part was, i wasn't dancing from the start! i was joining in a little later!! hahahahahaha!!!!!

btw, derrick was the one who gave me the nickname ah chuan.. so unglam right? but i got to admit, it's damn funny man...

it was such an awesome show! and after the show, my frens gave me flowers!!! so nice right??? i received 1 bouquet of lillies, irises, jebarras(dunnoe how to spell) from paukuan and siaowen, 1 deep red rose from fionna, 1 pink rose from grace, 1 pink rose from bernice, 1 from sharleen, jane gave me a muffin she baked, lesley and yujia gave me cookies that they baked, joon gave me 2 pink jebarras(dunnoe how to spell...), my vet pals gave me a bouquet of pink carnations!!!! so sweet of all of them................ =)

after that, we had the flare afterparty.. joon helped me make dessert. haha and it was good!!!!! the flare committe gave out certs to everyone. i took so many pictures!! i felt so emotional and couldn't stop crying for a while coz i was part relief that it was over, part sad that it was over, and most of all, very grateful to flare!!!!! i cannot describe to you how much flare has made my life here so much more interesting, mroe fun, more enjoyable. i made so many frens, learnt so many new things, etc etc.. waho.. it was overwhelming...


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