Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

ex tix

hey people..

i wanna complain again.... you know how tram tix are so ****** ******* expensive here.. and everytime my frens and i want to go out, we have to think and think and think what sort of tix we have to take.. whether it is single trip, 2-hour, or daily ticket.

i'm so sick and tired of doing this!! we always ahve to worry about time, and how many hours well be out.. blah blha blha.. dont you guys think it's irritating?

how expensive is it? well.. try $2.20 for a single trip, $3.00 for a 2hour yix, and $5.80 for a daily one.., sickening right?!!!

it's so unfair!!! why can't international students get consession passes too? we ****** ******* pay so much money for school, and to the government (whom they have admitted that the fees international students pay help keeo trams and trians running, stated in newspaper!!!) and we dont even get a freaking share of it..

sorrie guys. just reali pissed when i think about it..



  • At 10:43 AM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    tt's REAL eX... yaH~ money-sucker aussie governmenT! next time juz buy the whole day tix & u wun worry wat time hafta to go back.. 2-hours is tttooo ShoRT for sight-seein & shoppin!! *,*


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