Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, October 25, 2004


it's finally over!! the production is fianally over, and now i can study..

i'm so happy i joined flare, i made so many frens there.. all like me one.. love pink, glitter.. you know.. bimbotic stuff...

oh.. can't wait for next year.. i'm gonna cheograph a dance of my own.. hopefully, a fusion of chinses dance and hiphop/pop.. hahahahhahahah

then i'm gonna plan my sechdule properly so that i dont run out of time to study (like now..)

and i wanna be more involoved with the publicity stuff..

whao!! so exciting!! chao!!

Friday, October 22, 2004

Flare Rulez!!!

our show is such a big hit!! we were almost full house on 1st and 2nd days and we are fully booked on saturday!!! whoo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

next year must join more..

to think that we started out with 5 members 3 years ago... (i just joined this yr though)

love flare!!

when it's all over.. must study ..... =p

Monday, October 18, 2004

exams are coming

yup.. you heard me right people.. my exams are coming.. and i'm gonna write down some movitaing stuff for myself here..

i can, i will and i must study hard and smart for my exams.. though it is not necessary to get all H1s, i wanna do my very best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can, i will i must, and i had better!!

whao.. but it's difficult to juggle my dance club and my studies.. but i can, i will and i must do it!!!

chao.. hee

Saturday, October 09, 2004

nice show!!!

i just watched the show.. "the notebook" it was so nice..

yeah, you know thw guy, nichcolas sparks, who wrote "a walk to remember"?? yeah, he wrote this story too.

one thing i didn't like was that his story always had a sad ending.. (the couple died togetehr in their old age..)

it was a sweet show, at first i didn't think i was going to like it coz you know.. i'm not the type to enjoy romantic shows.. but it just proves that this show is good.. ahhaha coz it made me cry..

Thursday, October 07, 2004

The Blustery Day

that's right.. just like the windy day in the story of winnie the pooh...

as i was walking to school on thursday morning, the wind was blowing so strongly.. i could almost feel it sweep me off my feet.. i was late for a meeting with my fren to do chalking (draw on the uni roads to advertise for flare dance's annual event) and as i was running with the wind.. i felt as though i ran faster than the speed i would acheve with the energy that i am putting in.. hahha.. it was so fun..

another really cool thing were the leaves!!! it was so windy, yet the wind was graceful with it's strength. the tiny dried out leaves on the ground were blown around in such beautiful circles!! they(the leaves) "ran around the ground in unpredictable, exciting patterns, that were messy but a pieceof art. if the leaves could leave traces behind them, it would have been a beautiful picture..... whao....

i observed this all in my peaceful, quiet(except for the wind sound) , 10 min walk to school, just as i entered the union house i was supose to meet my fren in, i realised that the leaves being blown around weren't leaves at all, they were petal flowers!!

now that's even more beautiful....

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

not cut out for the committee

yeah.. as you guys can guess.. i'm not voted for my dance commitee, but at least my good frens got into president's place!!! COOL RIGHT??

yeah, i was just nominated.. man i suck at giving speeches.. well whatever.. dont wanna care so much.... and i shouldn't be bothered either..

bye. gtg sleep.

Sunday, October 03, 2004


someone just told me somehting i would find it very hard to forgive.. and that is that i could have become a human doctor to make more money in sinagpore..

1st: it's not the money that always counts in life.. haven ppl always been saying?? that money doesn't mean everything? i'm not saying that money is nothing.. it is very very important.. but as long as i have a stable, reasonable income, it's fine... you know when i chose this path, to be a vet.. i had no idea that we earn big bucks in australia.. i mean, vets are the highest paid ppl in aus!!!

2nd: how many times.. must i repeat this to ppl? first it was my family who keep convicing me to go into medical.. well... HELL NO!! i dun want to treat humans, no matter how much i like my own species.. i just feel that i have a passion for animals more!! (and children too, but no.. no child specialist for me, it's too late anyway hahhaah) btw, here's something intersting for you guys to read..

The Veterinarian
In the treatment of human beings,
There are 35 medical specialists,
Together, they oversee human life
From pre-natal procedures to post-mortem examinations.
And yet there’s one practioner who must be:
Clinical pathologist
and Urologist
All in one.

This single person is responsible for the health of your pet
Throughout its entire life
To you this person is your local Veterinarian:
To your pet, this person equals 25 doctors rolled into one….

A pet’s best friend.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

ex tix

hey people..

i wanna complain again.... you know how tram tix are so ****** ******* expensive here.. and everytime my frens and i want to go out, we have to think and think and think what sort of tix we have to take.. whether it is single trip, 2-hour, or daily ticket.

i'm so sick and tired of doing this!! we always ahve to worry about time, and how many hours well be out.. blah blha blha.. dont you guys think it's irritating?

how expensive is it? well.. try $2.20 for a single trip, $3.00 for a 2hour yix, and $5.80 for a daily one.., sickening right?!!!

it's so unfair!!! why can't international students get consession passes too? we ****** ******* pay so much money for school, and to the government (whom they have admitted that the fees international students pay help keeo trams and trians running, stated in newspaper!!!) and we dont even get a freaking share of it..

sorrie guys. just reali pissed when i think about it..
