Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

The Blustery Day

that's right.. just like the windy day in the story of winnie the pooh...

as i was walking to school on thursday morning, the wind was blowing so strongly.. i could almost feel it sweep me off my feet.. i was late for a meeting with my fren to do chalking (draw on the uni roads to advertise for flare dance's annual event) and as i was running with the wind.. i felt as though i ran faster than the speed i would acheve with the energy that i am putting in.. hahha.. it was so fun..

another really cool thing were the leaves!!! it was so windy, yet the wind was graceful with it's strength. the tiny dried out leaves on the ground were blown around in such beautiful circles!! they(the leaves) "ran around the ground in unpredictable, exciting patterns, that were messy but a pieceof art. if the leaves could leave traces behind them, it would have been a beautiful picture..... whao....

i observed this all in my peaceful, quiet(except for the wind sound) , 10 min walk to school, just as i entered the union house i was supose to meet my fren in, i realised that the leaves being blown around weren't leaves at all, they were petal flowers!!

now that's even more beautiful....


  • At 8:40 PM , Blogger i keep on walking said...

    wow.... so beautiful.. i can jus imagine it man... wow...... =) NUS not much of that leh.. jus falling leaves .. but its beautiful jus the same.. its the same God who made them anyway.. =)

  • At 7:23 PM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    woA~ like the scene in movies like tt.. so niCee!!1


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