Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Playing with fruit flies!

BUZZZZZZZ was what i could only hear from my two test tubes of flies! yes people, i played with fruit flies, cute, small, clean and not to mention ugly under the microscope...

for the last two biology practicle lessons, we've been playing with fruit flies, observing their dominant and recessive phenotypes! so fun right? i mean, we've always been reading about white eye and wild type eye(red in colour), and we've been hearing teachers and textbooks saying that it's recessive, on the X chromosome... well, i really saw these traits! very cute! i also saw vestigal wing phenotype, and many others!

we had two tubes, each with a pair of flies whom had mated and layed many many many eggs in the banana mesh at the bottom of the tube, one tube had a white eyed male and a red eye female, the other tube had a red eye female and a white eyed male. we were taught how to differentiate male and female flies! it was so fun!

then, we "doped" the flies by forcing them through this tube with a cotton bud with chloroform.. very cool!!!!!!! and you know how we stop the flies from flying out of the tube as we remove the cap and put a passage way into another tube? ahhahahahhahah we simply had to hit the tiube to a rubber base and the flies just kept bumping down the bottom! they couldn't fly.. well, occasionally there were careless student who lest flies escape but other than that most of us succedded in doping our flies. so fun man!

then we waited till they stopped twitching, so as to make sure they were really doped! then we took them out on a glass slide and viewed them under the disecting microscope.. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! they looked so hairy and ugly under the microscope.. but nontheless still cute!! hahahha

unfortunately, we had to dispose of the flies after we doped them.. by dumping them into a bottle with alcohol, in which the lab staff named "fly morgue"

however, ont fly of mine got away!!!! as i was moving the galss slide with the 4 flies on it, one of them, a male, red eyed fly, droped in to a gap in the microscope, ahhaha, and we couldn't get it out, so my partner and i decided to "spare it's life!" ahahaha

after the lab session, i gentlly used my brush and and dugg it out and placed in a piece of folded paper and brought it home! i placed it in a plastic box with air holes and it lived for a while..

ahahhah, it was cute, i fed it apples and bread, but it was the shortest living pet i had ever had... it lived for 2 days... sobb....... (i know you guys are laughing now....=p)

the next week, we went back to the lab and all the eggs had hatched and grew into adults, this time we had 30+ flies a bottle to dope! it was fun!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The MOST EXCITING chemistry lecture EVER!

I had the MOST EXCITING chemistry lecture Ever today! it was 10am in the morning, and everyone is tired, sleepy.. bored, you name it!

then suddenly, about 15min after lecture began, 1 guy walked in from the front door wearing a toga, you know, those kind, just use a white bedsheet, then anyhow wrap around your body kind. and sat down.

lecturer:"hmmm... i always worry when people walk into lectures with only their togas, oh weel, better than last year. last year we had someone walk in naked!""

suddenly, some music was played from a portable player from the back of the hall, and four guys from the front row (not including the toga guy) started STRIPPING!! they ran down ran down to the front og the hall and started dancing in synchrony!!!! i could see everything!!!! i was so darn shocked! and i thought to myself... "i just lost my innocence.. " ahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahah

just as the dancing was about to end, my fren sherleen shouted, Ning! take picture, but before i could pull out my phone, they stopped and ran out of the hall!

lecturer:"now that was exciting... let's continue"

aboout 15mins later again, another guy dressed in a funny looking silver costume, holding a plastic spear in one hand, a piece of rolled up paper in the other hand, came into the hall riding a unicycle! he held out the paper and shouted "this msg is from your master, silence, this is very important. he has decided that your lives shall be spared, provided that someone amost you all is willing to identity ????(some greek name)'s dead body. who is spartus?? own up!!!"

suddenly, from all corners of the room, about 6 peoples stood up and shouted, "i am spartus, no i am spatus......." including the guy in the toga! it was so funny!!! not long after that, they ran out of the hall, and the drama ended!

it was so darn funny. who are these people?? we dont know. but they definietly are from our uni, maybe just art people who like to play pranks??? ahhahahha it was so funny!! i think they are the same people who came to my psychology lecture about 2 weeks ago and taught us about fire safety.. i'll reccount it agian!

it was 4.15pm and everyone at the lecture hall was waiting for lesson to begain. it was an afternoon lectures, so not alot of people were there. suddenly about 6 guys came in and shouted:"wow!!!! so hardwaorking! it's 4.15pm and you giuys are still here!!"

"you dont have to be here you know, you dont have to study. go home! relax!!" said the other.

"yeah...." then about 3 of them walked right down to the front while the rest dispersed themselves at the back. they sat beside people they didn't know and started talking non-sense. luckily i was at the other side.

"what lesson is this by the way? psychology?? wow!!!!!!!!!! can you read my mind? huh? can you read my mind?"

"what am i thinking about now?" and the poor people being qnsed just looked at them confused.. ahhahahhaha

then 2 guys went to the front, turned on the projector and put a "fire exit map" on the screen. and once again, they started crapping.

"today, we're gonna teach you about fire safety!"

"yes sir!" said those at the back.

"when there is a fire, do not walk! i said do not walk!!and do not panic!!! CRAWL under the carpet!!! or else, you will die coz of the smoke."

and he started crapping more and i couldn't remember the rest! it was so funny!

i think these people are so so so so entertaining, not to mention cute! ahhahahahhaha

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

my hols in singapore summary!

The first week I got back to Singapore, that day itself I went to KL, then on the 2nd week here, I was in singapore, spending time with my frenz. Actually, I was really sad coz most my frens were busy when I got back, some had work, school, family, boyfriends... but they all made time to meet me!!! how cool!

This holiday is just too short to do much, but atleast i got back home to recharge myself!! It was so nice to see my family once again after so so so long! And i absolutely missed home cooked food! I mean, i eat home cooked food cooked by me everyday but i miss my maid's and my mum's cooking!

On Monday the 5th, I met up with Adeline, grace and puiming, it was fun to hear their lives now. First I met Adeline and I was so happy to see her! At the MRT, believe it anot, but I think I saw Jeremy, my old 4/2 classmate from bvss… hmm, but he probably didn’t regconise me. I was so full of pimples and my hair was so darn ugly! Anyway, the impt thing is that I saw my good old fren Ade! We ate long john.. whao! Something I really missed man! Then grace and puiming came to join us and we sat at coffeebean at the basement of paragon and starting chatting like no one’s business. We also took many pictures! Ade brought her Polaroid camera and we had fun taking so many pictures. I also brought my digicam! Cool for a first day out in Singapore right?

On Tuesday, played sims the whole day I think…this was the time that I started getting sick of playing it… but I still like to build houses though. But one very impt thing! I discovered how to build my own skins!!!! Hippie!!!!!!!!!!

On Wednesday, I had dinner with juan. After we finished eating, we shopped for a litlle while. Before that, I mean, in the afternoon, I was playing sims all the way with Estella! Yeah, she came to my house to play…

On Thursday, can't remember what i did...

On Friday, I had lunch at genki with Jessica, then I went for a facial. Jap food is GOOD!!

On Saturday, I had lunch wit Diana, then we went for a movie, spider-man 2, it was fantastic!!! Tobey is so darn cute!!!

On Sunday, cooked dinner for mommy rose! Then help my bother with his last min project… you know, I went to his room to watch “home alone 3” with him and guess what I saw on the floor! A blank piece of white paper with 5 pieces of cut pictures of flowers with little words of them, pasted untidily onto it… I asked him what it was, and he said it was a project that he was to hand up the next day, about the 5 flowers of the Singapore botanical gardens… oh mi gosh, I could have just fainted on the floor man! Immediately I scolded him and helped him do his project, hand drawing it and all! He’s so lucky to have a sister like me man… hahaha!

On Monday the 12th, I went to cut and dye my hair! Thanks est!! but when I got home, my brother said that it was ugly, and my sis said that it looked “auntie”… so sad!!!

On Tuesday the 13th, I went to TPJC to collect my cert, was hoping to get my prize too but they said that I didn’t have one… darn! I seriously believe that there is one prize for me but coz I didn’t collect it for a long time, so they cancelled it or something… then juan said that my hair really suited me!!! Yeah!!

On Wednesday the 14th, went for dinner with Cheryl and Melissa, i had an embarrassing moment at mac man... i dropped my spidy poster on the floor and didn't realise, when the cleaner picked it up and put it in his bin, then i thought for a while and shouted, ermm.. i think that's mine.. i had to pick it up from the trash... -_-..

On Thursdaythe 15th, went to the library to borrow books with steph and yanzhong, also had fish and co for lunch.. I paid for that meal! The had supper with more people than I’d expect!!! But it turned out fun! it was so fun riding in a fren's car man... yeah i know i sound like a mountain torrise now.. but whatever! =p

On Friday the 16th, mum and dad came back from KL!!! Finally…… alos went clubbing at chinablack, not great, but fun nonetheless..

On saturady the17th, did nothing much,, just went for coconut juice at eastcoast, then walked in the garden with my family and had a litlle fun naming and identifying the plants.

On Sunday the 18th, i had luch with my galpals from 02s03,andrea, cass, juan, sin and see hwee, diana, plus one "intruder", ade.. hahahha, no offencce ade. i really wanted you to come anyway. =) Then i also saw cass after a long long long long time man... she's... as pretty and petite as ever.. how envious.. hahah. had great food at swensons.. ice-cream was good! yumm!!! then we went for KTV session!! man.. i really am addicted ti singing... can i really sing anyway? hopw i didn't scare my frenz to death.. ahhaha

On monday the 19th, i went out shopping on my own, then had prata for supper with my mum and steph. yum... milo dianosuar...

On tuesday, went for the Mosco Circus... great seats.. thanks andi!

On wednesday, had luch with Guma and my cousins.. i really missed dimsum.. then i had a sumptous dinner again, my mum brought me to a buffet... yumm...... at night, iw ent for prata supper with my galpals again.. so full man..

On thursday, went shopping then went to KTV... i just luvvvvvvvv to sing.. or issit screech?? hmm..

On friday, man... i was feeling so down in the morning.. just cab't believe that 3 weeks pass so fast.. i was so darn reluctant to go back to melb.. but i must study!!! sigh.. at least i went back with my pal estella... then i didn't feel so sad on the plane.. haha and thaks everyone for sending me or not sending me off. miss yah!