Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


The lollipops:

they are everywhere. esp on chinese KTVs.

yes, the lollipops are the girls who have skinny frames, so skinny that thier heads look like lollies compared to their think frames. size6 or sometimes 4 pants dont even sit nicely on thier hips, it looks like baggy pants on them.

i on the other hand fill up a nice size 8.

sigh.. but sometimes i wonder what men really find attractive, like REALLY.

you know how they always go "why girls like to be skinny? we like a little bit of something to hug/grab/grope/whatever"

BULLSHIT. you know you want that skinny bum like jo-lin tai or chai? whatever that lollipop's name is, or all the other skinny skinny skinny chinese/cantonese/taiwanese singers/actresses. i mean, i have heard many countless times of how my girlfrenz tell me that their boyfrens want them to lose weight. that they are fat.

are they fat? you guessed it, SO NOT FAT. it;s just "not slim enough for them"

Monica Bellucci, the italian sex goddess once said that she thinks men who worship skinny women are afraid of the larger more fuller ones because they are AFRAID they are cannot handle a WOMEN. so they chose the GIRL. (ie the lollipop)

truth? maybe.. all men will deny this of course. or at least all asian men.

on the other hand, everytime i think about losing weight to look good for the opposite sex, i stop myself right away coz i do not belivein the torture of myself for the sake of men who think they own us or want to own us. yes, i'm a little bit of a feminist and to give them the satisfaction of seeing skinny girls is prob the last thing on earth i wanna do.

then again, i do like to feel attractive. what a dilemma...

hmm.. i chose to not care then.


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