Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


If all men in the world were to be classified to 4 types according to the teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles... then..............

Michelangelo... the joker, the little annoying pestering thing, the "The Flash" would be a perfect little brother or friend. He would be the kind of guy that is just so fun to be around, though at times it can be painful.

Donatello... the adorable geek, the beta male, the "Spiderman" he would be a great big brother or friend. with all his intelligence in IT and science and etc... it would make any girl happy to have him around the house. whatever the reason.

Raphael... Ahhhhh my bad boy rebel/ganster, my "Anakin Skywalker", who struggls to cope with his inner rebel, yet has that tender side to him too. it would be a bonus to be able to break into him then leave him. makes you feel especially special. This would be the type of guy girls would probably wanna have a fling with then leave him helpless and her feeling special.

and lastly.. Leonardo AHHHHHHHHHHHH, the alpha male, my "Superman", the husband material all rounder. sure he's a little up-tight but that's what makes him the mature, sensible one who not only has witts, also has a heart and a brain (not that th others dont but this one is a sure winner) and you guessed it, he would be the one girls wanna marry.

haha, girls dont you agress?

hmm.. just to make sure i'm quite right about their characters, let's see what my best friend, has to say though..

  • Leonardo - The de facto leader of the Turtles, Leonardo is courageous, decisive, and a devoted student of martial arts. As a strict adherent to Bushido, he has a very strong sense of honor and justice. He wears a blue mask and wields a pair of katanas. He is named after Leonardo da Vinci
  • Raphael - The team "anti-hero", Raphael has an aggressive nature and seldom hesitates to throw the first punch. His personality can be alternately fierce, sarcastic, and full of angst. He wears a red mask and wields a pair of sai. He is named after Raphael Santi.
  • Michelangelo - The easy-going and free-spirited Michelangelo provides much of the comic relief. While he loves to read comics and eat pizza, this Turtle also has an adventurous side. He wears an orange mask and wields a pair of nunchaku. He is named after Michelangelo Buonarroti.
  • Donatello - The brilliant scientist, inventor, and technology geek, Donatello has a reputation as something of a smart aleck. He is perhaps the least violent Turtle, preferring to use his intellect to solve conflicts. He wears a purple mask and wields the . He is named after Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi.
yeah, i did just watch TMNT. unexpectedly good show. so go watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

one thing i found very strange was why this ninja called karai had this realli wierd, almost ugly china accent. then i looked it up on my best fren (aka and realised it was zhang zhiyi.. no fucking wonder..


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