Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

pi day! yah!!

OMG.......... i'm freezing my ass off here in my vet computer lab.. are they stupid or what? it's freaking cold outside and they still turn the air con up so strong. and i can't leave the room coz i am the sole looker-after of 3 bags.. ahhhhh...

cold cold cold cold cold.....

anywayz, did any of your know, that todya is Pi day!!!!! as in pi, 3.14.

from "The Greek letter π (pi) is the symbol for the number you get when you divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter; it can't be expressed as a fraction and it goes on forever. Equal to approximately 3.14, it's an irrational and transcendental number with an infinite, non-repeating decimal expansion. So far, it has been calculated out to over a trillion decimal places. We honor π today, on 3/14, Pi Day: some college math departments have parties or ceremonies discussing π and how it has affected our lives. Some celebrate by eating pie — pizza, fruit and otherwise, drinking piña colada and playing piñata. It's fitting that today is also Albert Einstein's birthday; he was born in 1879. "

apparently, some realli hard working mathematician worked his entire life away to calculate pi to dunoe how many decimal places. then when the calculater was invented, it took a mere second...

"March 14, written as 3-14 or 3/14 in the United States date format, represents the common three-digit approximation for the number π: 3.14. Pi Day is often celebrated at 1:59 p.m."

dpnt forget to eat pie!!


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