Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

what's the big deal anyway?

i just realise that i've been making a fuss over my appearance, aka, the pimples on my face. i know it's not that bad, it's mainly on the forehead. i know a lot of other ppl in the world have worse ance problems and there are definitely better things to worry about than my pimples.

but seriously, i dont want to compare myself to other people, i wanna compare my skin now, with my skin last time,a nd my skin last time was 10 times better than this. okie, i'm not going to be sad all over it coz it's no use.

but i would like to comment how shallow i find this world can be. i dont mean to boast, btu i;m not very good with my GP(general paper, aka, english, where we write essays) unless i feel emotionally strong for something. and i do feel damn emotionally strong about this beauty issue and i wrote quite a few good essays on this...

what i mean to say is that, to hell with all that phrases and stories and what your parents tell u etc etc, looks DO matter in this superficial world. think about all those times a guy/girl became not interested coz he/she found some other more good looking person.(i have a story on this, broke my heart up-side down. no, i wasn't heart broken about him, i was hard broken with the world and whole shallow thing) think about the time u dressed up and got extra sugar on your donut, or smiled sweetly and the bar-tender attended to you first. or when u first started to wear contact lenses and noticed that more ppl noticed you? see what i mean?

i've read quite a few articles on this issue, i've seen complete make-overs on tv, and it's for certain that the world is shallow on first sight. to let them see your inner beauty means that they have to be first interested in geting to know u. and how do they decide if they want to get to know u better? if they think u're beautiful.

there was this girl in taiwan or korea, i can;t remember, but anywayz, she had the typical buck teeth, droopy eye look and was constantly teased in school. then her father got drunk, gambled, went to great great debt and she had to quit school and prostituite to pay their bills. even as a cheap pros, no one wanted her, some of her clients even told her how ugly and horrible she was and refused to take her. she was so so hurt. then she won this gameshow, kinda like "the swan" where they gave her a complete free make over, plastic surgery etc and now she's so much more beautiful. she had mroe attnetion and all that. but she told the magazine how hurt she was when she asked her current bf, if he would still marry her if she looked thaht how she was in the past. the straight answer was no.

hmmm, why does the world like beautiful ppl more? simple coz they are more healthy and potentionally produce better offspring? yes, accordind to the book i lend grace. i really think this whole beautiful this is based on sex. sex sex sex and nothing else. well at least majority of it.

oh yes i know, "who want to be frenz with the idoits who judge us this way anyway?" well, sometimes, it's not the frenship that you want, it's the business thing, the presentability of the person, the job, the. you know. there are really some things in this world that depend on your looks, movie stars, models, even relationships!

it doesn't help that all children's stories, esp ones for girls, are about princesses born beautiful and rich and marry and live happily ever after. girls like us, whom are not perfect like the princesses in the books, grow up slowing realising that they are not beautiful, and that NOT EVERYONE is born beautiful.

and for this reason, i'm super-conscious of how i look. it doesn't matter where i go. i know people are judging. i cannot help think of what people will be thinking when they see me. i can't help it, it wont stop till i go to this "middle age" era, where adults dont care about what people think. (that's where you get aunties and uncles whom we call.. or-biang) and that's why i esp HATE people who want to get to know me coz they think i'm pretty. or even worse, refuse to get to know me coz they think i'm ugly.

life is tough, perhaps that's why we were surrounded by beautiful things when we were kids, that princeeses were all pretty etc etc, coz our parents wanted to protect us from this harsh reality. i appreciate that really, but sometimes i wish i got to know about it in a less harsh way. u know what i mean...

on a more cheerful note, inner beauty really counts. it doesn't matter how good looking someone is, if they do something horrible, they'll look like shit to me. but if i know them to be nice, warm, frenly, kind, suddenly they look so beautiful to me, inside-out.


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