Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, August 07, 2006

that qns.. again...

whao.. just came back from camp.. it was so fun and cold and tiring.. but it was so sos os so fun.

okie, i'll talk about camp later...

my mom just called.. and she asked me the wierdest qns ever.. "so, any boyfrens?" of course i replied no... and asked her why she wanted to know.... "hmmmm, coz i dont understand how some girls can get picked up so easily but not u"

okie.. sigh, i found it funny but sad at the same time... it's really funny for her to ask me such a qns... i mean, please dont tell me she's worried??? this is not the first time she's asked that qns since my last bf or any news of my dating etc etc, the last time she asked me, i actually had to tell her that i wasn't lesbian.



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