Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

always look on the bright side of life... *whistle whistle...

recently, i've been very down coz some things in my life are just NOT going the way i want it to be. but i thought it over... i really shouldn't be so unhappy and grumpy about these trivial things anymore.

it started when i got frustrated when all my vet frens didn't wanna eat lunch with me coz they already had theirs in class, or coz they had something so do. my goodness, i actually threw a small tantrum. then later on, i felt so tired i went home and skipped my prac.

instead of heading striaght home i went to dangerfield and bought some nice stuff. (heeeee) while i was walking and shopping, i thought to myself... why bother about these silly things? these small matters? why torture myself when i dwell in this samll things that make me unhappy and hence the people around me unhappy/worried/annoyed too? it's really s simple matter...

if they dont wanna eat with me, i'll eat by meself and enjoy my own company once in a while, and besides, they had impt stuff to do,t hey didn't wanna leave me alone for no good reason.

why bother about what your mom said last ngiht? it's just a passing comment, she's just curious, you're not ugly or unwanted or anything. and to hell with the pimples on your head and your hair that is getting frizzier and frizzier! so be it! people on the streets can look at me and laugh and i'll laugh back at them! for i'm the one who is happy and carefree.

i shall not be sad over my studies anymore, what i can do, i do, nd i do it well, i will nto waste time surfing the net on silly things now, it's time to be serious and attend lectures proper. i shall nto brood over stuff and i will not procrastinate any more things! and i will learn to say not to some outings! i must resist and do my work when the need is dire.

i came home, danced, cooked dinner, washed clothes and did all the things i had to do, checking off stuff to do, one by one on my to-do-list.

it feels good.... =) i've never been this happy mentally, for a long time...


  • At 5:28 PM , Blogger joonwin said...

    this is good to hear from you. how's your driving btw?


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