Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

My Singapore Trip

sigh.. one month of holiday just went by like that... like "snap!" and it's over.

yeah, who wouldn't wish to have a longer holiday. everyone would, well almost, but students who study overseas like me would wish it more than anything else.

that's becoz, when the holidays end, it means i have to take a plane back to "studyland". there, all the responsibilities of life suddenly pile on my back... paying rent, phone bills, internet bill, food, housework, cooking, and studies... all just wham! on my back..

i felt so miserable on my way to airport. and before i boarded the plane, i actually went to the toilet to cry.. hahhaa silly right? considering that it's the 4th time i came back. but this time, i came here alone, so i didn't have someone to talk to and be distracted.. so i felt kinda sad...

the truth is, i didn't want to face reality. as in, i wanted to saty on and be carefree in singapore! but i know life's not like that, not if you want to live comfortably in the future...

so i snapped myself out of my "misery" and went ahead to board the plane. i kept thinking about my cousin junni, who is already accepted in melb uni's science course, wishing that she'll be able to make it here nexy year to accompany me.. =)

my plane trip was uncomfortable.. as always... i hate SIA plane's seats. they are sooooo uncomfortable!!! but anyway, i managed to catch a funny movie on the plane, "miss congenialaty 2" it was okay.. but not as good as the 1st one of course.

the first thing i thought of when i entered my room was.. how small it is.... it's not even compared to the size of my living room, and it has a toilet and a kitchen and a bedroom included. but i started unpacking my things and got a little more cosy. then, i turned on my aus handphone.. and an angel smsed me.. it's sherleen!! i haven seen her in a long time. she wanted to meet up with me, and i was so happy!! i called her and the moment i heard her voice, oh.. i cried again.. i still dunnoe why i cried, thoughi know it's very silly.. i suppose i was just too happy to hear her voice, i felt.. saved more like.. coz u kknow.. i usually get emotional when i just get back here and it's very comforting for me to have a fren to lean on.

i spend the next few days involved in dance, housework, and spending time with sherleen... i went out for dinner with my dance pals (my CREW!) after practise yesterday, and went for dimsum for lunch today. i was also invited to dinner at Dea's house. her mum cooked up some very special dishes for me, salad, veal with sherry(i think that's how you spell it..), garlic bread, anchovies with capsican, basil prawn.. whao.. it was very good.

tmr, i'm going to have a good gathering with some frens for dinner. so exciting... oh how i wish sch wouldn't start so soon.. but then again, if it doesn't start, then it would never end, and the holidays would never come!!! =)


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