Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

flare dance camp was awsome!!

before how i talk about how great my camp was, ihave some very serious news.......

i actually forgot to turn off my heater (for the bathroom) during my leave from friday afternoon to sunday sfternoon...

yes.. how dangerous was that???? i can't believe it! before i went out o fthe room, i went to check all my heaters(2 of them) and they weren't on. but i forgot about the bathroom's heater! then just now, i heard it fanning then it turned off after a while and i thought.. oh no.. did i really really leave my heater on??

yes i did.. and that was a terrible mistake. think of what could happen??!!!! anyway, God, thank you for keeping my house safe!

now my camap.. oh it was sooooooooooo FUN!! on the 1st day, i arrived at the bus meeting piont by car, lisa was so nice to come pick me up coz i had a lot of stuff to carry. then when we arrived, i started helping ou tin the kitchen coz i volunteered to be "kitchen hand" hahaha i cooked all the mee-sua (noodles) for my flare mates to eat.. so cool right?? we had mee-sua with ba-ku-tei soup and pork ribs that night. dinner was delicious!!!

then we played so many ice breaker games!! there was the "watermelon" the "bunny" the "who what huh" game.. then there was the "tree and squirrels" game.. whao!!! all so fun!!! there were many more but i can't remember them all.. we slept very late that night.. about 2am, not after playing cards in the room though!! haha

the next day, we had wonderful breakfast, cooked by derrick.. hahahahha i can't believe that derrick is the head chef, but anyway, had scrambled eggs with 2 toasts, one with nutella and the other with peanut butter ans sugar.. yum.. i haven eaten such a big breakfast since like.. back in singapore when i'm with my family. coz i dont have much appettie when i eat alone, and i'm also always late for class.. so no time for breakfast.. hahha just one breakfast bar.

then we had dance classes in the late morning. i had jane's NOM, which stands for "no ordinary morning" i really like this dance, it's very unique and "feeling", very artistic and creative. it's a dance about ppl on the street, and how you dont tend to notice what they are doing coz we're so busy rushing to do our own stuff. very very cool!

after practise, we had lunch, bbq!!! unfortunately, they didn't have chicken or sausages when i got there to take my food, and i dont eat lamb, so i took beef steak and alot of salad. hhahaha. then when i cut the meat up, it was medium rare! and i just couldn't eat it anymore coz there was red stuff oozing out of the meat.. sigh, i didn't want to waste the meat either, so i cut it up into small pieces and gave it to the landlord's dog, smiley. oh he's such a cute dog, but not very affectionate. well of course, he's a farm dog!

i decided to slack after lunch and went to the dinning room to chat up with my frenz, suddenly derrick asked some people to take over the cooking, as since i had nothing to do, i volunteered! s did sher, and we went to cook. that was when i realised that the spread of work was not fully utilised. as in,the people who cooked and washed were mainly the same self-sacrifircing ppl, and i think it's quite inconsiderate of the other flare members to not help automatically. oh well, guess we'll learn from our mistakes. but anyway, bbqing was hot hot hot. i onli wore a t-shirt in the cold wind and i felt fine, except for the occasional gales of extremely cold wind...

then we had workshops in the afternoon, i decided to attend bernices's pilates class instead of the hiphop one coz i wanted to try something different. it was sooo relaxing, i felt more alive after the routine. it was reviving, and fantastic! and to think we actually worked our muscles all over. it felt that i had a great rest. good work bernice!

then we had the games!! hahahaha.. boy am i glad i agree to be game-master when grace asked me to. we had 5 stations of games and the flare campers were devided into 6 groups of ppl, they had to comnplete all the stations in the fatest time possible. it was so funny.. coz the games were really dirty. there wqas the roll the egg on the floor with your nose game, the crawling on choclate sauce and picking up skittles with your mouth, biting the apple out of a bucket of water and flour, rubber-band passed around a toothpick btw the toes and mouth. ahhahaha, then there was the game i was in charge of, eating 5 marshmellows in a bowl toped with whipe cream, with no hands ont he bowl. ahhahahahahhahah!!!

it was so funny to see people with their facesfull of whipe cream, but when it came to the last group, there were no more marsmellows!! and venessa had this idea of using ketchup insated!!!!! gahahhahahahah the marshmellows must have tasted disgusting!! hahahhahaha..

after the games, it was rest time, for campers to bathe, duh!! they are dirtied all over with food!!! then i went to help out int he kitchen again, cutting up chicken meat into smaller pieces and removing the fat. man, you cannot imagine how fat the chicken was.. yuck!! i had to PULL the fat off coz there was just no way of cutting it out!

then we had a delicious steamboat dinner, just as dinner was finishing, bernice and joyce called up all the gamemasters and organisers so that the campers could thank us. in actual fact, they wanted to sabotage us!!!!!!!! 1st they made us play this rolling egg game, and not on the floor, in your shirt!!!!!! yes! the 1st person had to roll the egg down the shirt of the 2nd person, using his/her mouth. yuck!!! it was so ticklish!!! mandy rolled the egg on me and i had to roll the egg on venessa. ahhahahahhahahhaha. then when it came to amabelle's turn, everyone wowed coz, she was wearing a tight fitting spagetti strapped red top. ahhahahahhahhaa. btu we did it anyway, without breaking any egg! haha, just as we thought it was over, they made us play another game!!! they put chopped up bananas in a bowl and put ketchup on it, and they want us to at the bananas the same way as my game! hahahahahahhahaaha.. we managed to do it anyway, and i though the banana was going to taste horrible but it wasn't that bad as i thought. well, maybe coz i was prepared for the worst. ahahhahahha. i had a little ketchup on my nose and that was it. phew!!!!!!!!!!!

then after dinner, it was my dance practise, and i was kinda disappionted that many ppl didn't turn up. some chose to go to other dances, others were organising teh camp and others were tired, i onli ended up with 5 ppl, but it was okie, at least i managed to teach some steps and the i really appreiate the ppl who turned up.

after practise, jane wanted to see a bit of my dance, so i did, and i was so glad that she said it was good. but i need to sharpen my movements though. but still happy that my steps are cool!!

then at night came, we celebrated a few ppl's birthday buyt cutting a cake and singing a song, then proceeded to playing more games. we wanted a campfire at first, but everyone was just toooooo tired, plus, it was always the same few ppl who were doing the hard work, so i decided not to have it. or it'll be more work for the already tired ppl.

after the games, a small group of ppl and me sat for a long chat about some politics int he club. yeah well, no club is perfect, moreover, we are such a big group, we are bound to be segregated at some point. well, at least we are still talking to each other despite the differences.

then we started telling ghost stories!!!!!!!!!! my.. bernice told one the "funniest" ghost stories i've ever heard. i wont type it down, i want to use it one day!! hahahahhaa, i told a lot of stories myself, it felt so good to share!! then we got really freaked out and deciede to tell jokes! ahhahaha there were many funny ones..

then finally at 3+am, we went to sleep..

day 3: woke up early for some late breakie, but many others were still asleep. i was very suprised to find derrick up so early to cook. he really has performed his role well as headcook. hahahahhaha had scrambled eggs and 2 toast and oen tomato for breakfast, it was good.. feels so good to eat with frenz... i'll never eat that much alone. seriously. then i had fionna's practise. as there was this partner thing going on int he dance, and there were not alot of guys, i partnered with jane, and we took turns to do the girl's role. hahahahhaha. but suddenly, fionna asked me whether i could be her "victim" and i was like what victim? she meant, she wanted me to be sort of the "lead role" as a victim of the vampires in her dance, then my "frens" will come find me there will be a battle down. then later on, i became the vampire queen coz i bit my frenz. hahahahhahahaa i was soooooo honured!!!!! so awwed!!!! me? as the "main"?? that was so amazing for me. i couldn't thank her enough. i felt embarrased but good at the same time. i also felt a little stressed, it means i had to do well u see. and damn right i will!!!

then after lunch, we hurried back to the bus as the bus had to be returned at a certain time, hahah before the bus could start, it broke down!!!!! we didn't start moving till 1 hour later, and we had to call for some help to jump start the engine. hahahahahhha but it just means that we couls spend more time admiring the beautiful senery, you know i'm not the type to look at senery, but seriously, the farm was BEAUTIFUL......... rooling hills of green grass and tall magestic trees.. just so inpsiring....

we arrived home at 5pm and the first thing i did was lie on my bed!!!!!! hahah if there was the one thing i missed about being in camp, it was my bed!!

and that's my wonderful camp weekend!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

My Singapore Trip

sigh.. one month of holiday just went by like that... like "snap!" and it's over.

yeah, who wouldn't wish to have a longer holiday. everyone would, well almost, but students who study overseas like me would wish it more than anything else.

that's becoz, when the holidays end, it means i have to take a plane back to "studyland". there, all the responsibilities of life suddenly pile on my back... paying rent, phone bills, internet bill, food, housework, cooking, and studies... all just wham! on my back..

i felt so miserable on my way to airport. and before i boarded the plane, i actually went to the toilet to cry.. hahhaa silly right? considering that it's the 4th time i came back. but this time, i came here alone, so i didn't have someone to talk to and be distracted.. so i felt kinda sad...

the truth is, i didn't want to face reality. as in, i wanted to saty on and be carefree in singapore! but i know life's not like that, not if you want to live comfortably in the future...

so i snapped myself out of my "misery" and went ahead to board the plane. i kept thinking about my cousin junni, who is already accepted in melb uni's science course, wishing that she'll be able to make it here nexy year to accompany me.. =)

my plane trip was uncomfortable.. as always... i hate SIA plane's seats. they are sooooo uncomfortable!!! but anyway, i managed to catch a funny movie on the plane, "miss congenialaty 2" it was okay.. but not as good as the 1st one of course.

the first thing i thought of when i entered my room was.. how small it is.... it's not even compared to the size of my living room, and it has a toilet and a kitchen and a bedroom included. but i started unpacking my things and got a little more cosy. then, i turned on my aus handphone.. and an angel smsed me.. it's sherleen!! i haven seen her in a long time. she wanted to meet up with me, and i was so happy!! i called her and the moment i heard her voice, oh.. i cried again.. i still dunnoe why i cried, thoughi know it's very silly.. i suppose i was just too happy to hear her voice, i felt.. saved more like.. coz u kknow.. i usually get emotional when i just get back here and it's very comforting for me to have a fren to lean on.

i spend the next few days involved in dance, housework, and spending time with sherleen... i went out for dinner with my dance pals (my CREW!) after practise yesterday, and went for dimsum for lunch today. i was also invited to dinner at Dea's house. her mum cooked up some very special dishes for me, salad, veal with sherry(i think that's how you spell it..), garlic bread, anchovies with capsican, basil prawn.. whao.. it was very good.

tmr, i'm going to have a good gathering with some frens for dinner. so exciting... oh how i wish sch wouldn't start so soon.. but then again, if it doesn't start, then it would never end, and the holidays would never come!!! =)