Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, May 17, 2004

why did i created this BOLG.. i mean.. BLOG...

ello everyone!!
just created this blog so that i can update you all on my suxy life here.. hahaha..
no.. actually it ain't that bad.. but of course i would prefer life in singapore..
anyway, just wanted you guys to know that if you have e-mailed me mails and i never write back.. thta's probably becoz your mail has been directed to my "bulk" folder. why? i dont know.. but i know that i dont read my bulk folder and just delete everything.. i just found this out recently so i am very sorry to anyone whom have emailed but i didn't e-mail them back..
another reason why i created this blog is becos i needdddddddddddd to complain about anything suxy here.. ahhhhhh!!! i really really need to complain,, i am the ultimate complain queen.. hahahhahahaha... why i dont complain to my frens here too much is becoz they have their problems of their own.. and i really dont want to stress them out.. ahhaha
okie.. but the main reason why i created this blog was to give you guys a picture of my life here... =)so.. i hope ya all will enjoy this... =)


  • At 11:18 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Me always here to listen to ur complains if you have not realised.... but i know i do get info overload and got limit one.... me trying to expand my complain tolerance already.... just give me more time and i'll be fully house-trained to aborb all ya complains.... haha....

  • At 8:00 AM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    yuP~ really feel a lil weird w/o ur complainTs... ahhaa... maybe u can even put a tagboard in ur bloG so we can juz post a short comment there~ a bit redundant thou... -ade


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