Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, May 24, 2004

troy sucked..

hi guys.. guess what.. i watched my very first movie in aus last saturday... but it sucked!!! why did hector have to die!!!! why why why why why???? i'm so sad!!!!!!!! and orlando bloom plays a foolish prince who to the fall of his kingdom??? what is the world coming too???

one thing though... there were no seats allocated to us in the movie theater!! funny right.. when we knew of this.. we rushed into the theater thinking that we colud get good seats.. and gooooooood seats we got.. the theater was sososososososososos hugh.. like that of an esplanade theater.. and there were i think less than 50 people in it.. coz they screen the shows so often.. hahahha

alright.. that's all for today!!

Monday, May 17, 2004

why did i created this BOLG.. i mean.. BLOG...

ello everyone!!
just created this blog so that i can update you all on my suxy life here.. hahaha..
no.. actually it ain't that bad.. but of course i would prefer life in singapore..
anyway, just wanted you guys to know that if you have e-mailed me mails and i never write back.. thta's probably becoz your mail has been directed to my "bulk" folder. why? i dont know.. but i know that i dont read my bulk folder and just delete everything.. i just found this out recently so i am very sorry to anyone whom have emailed but i didn't e-mail them back..
another reason why i created this blog is becos i needdddddddddddd to complain about anything suxy here.. ahhhhhh!!! i really really need to complain,, i am the ultimate complain queen.. hahahhahahaha... why i dont complain to my frens here too much is becoz they have their problems of their own.. and i really dont want to stress them out.. ahhaha
okie.. but the main reason why i created this blog was to give you guys a picture of my life here... =)so.. i hope ya all will enjoy this... =)