Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, May 01, 2006

my 4 day rsvp adventure

well it's not exactly an adventure but a sure memorable one.. i wanted to send an sms to some frens thru sms mate when they asked me to click a link of their sponsor to send the sms. i just clicked the "no preference" button and my msg was send. but a new window poped up on my computer. it was

i tot, hey, isn't that that website for online dating? funny... i've never trusted in these sort of things.. but then i clicked on the link "search" and i saw my fren there! and she just signed up too! so i signed up wiht a nickname no one knew and send her a "kiss"

hahaha i just wanted to tease her and check the website out. but of course she found out it was me. for the first day, i doidn't put my picture in and wrote rubbish in the profile page. i actually said stupid stuff like "i'm imperfect, i'm stupid, i'm short" etc etc and it was damn fun to watch ppl send u a "kiss" and reading their profiles.

i was addicted for a while.. i couldn;t stop searching for ppll and laughing at them. like there was this lady who was 56 years old and her profile goes "now that my daughter is older, time for me to have the fun!" and there was this guy who has a photo of himself with damn long straight hari,a nd he as holding a cat. ( a bad sign.. usually only spinsters and unmarried ppl love cats like that.. not me lah..) his profile read "sensitive guy, hoping to share a life with a cat loving girl" and the list goes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

however, after i put my photo up, i started getting all sorts of wierd pl coming up to me, sending me their kissses and emails etce tc.. like i had 26 in 2-3 days! it was so freaky!!!. i felt that ppl were staring at my photo with ill intentions! ekk!!!!!

the final straw came when a few ppl tried to initiate a a chat window with me wiht a video thingy.. i closed my window, rendering myslef offline, then clicked "remove registration" a while later.

my fren is still a memebr of it and i dont detest it. in fact i think it's cool. it is a great way to meet ppl and we should no longer look at this kind of websites with the "desperates only" kind of feeling. moreover, they send you free vouchers for clothing shops regularly! (shit..)

but my 'adventure' proved me a point i've always disliked.. that looks do matter in this superficial world. no! i'm not saying that i'm pretty! but just think! the difference int he numbers of ppl who sent me a kiss were like 5-6 fold when i had no photo and when i did. these ppl were in other words, looking for ppl with photos and were not bothered to see the others without a photo! not even bothering to read their profile!

i had this discussion in JC before. and i'm very disappointed with this reality. we're always been told when we were young that looks do not matter as much, that what matters is inner beauty etc etc etc. Man that is soo untrue..

time magazine had this extra features of plastic surgery in asia once and it totally blew my mind.. there were so many stories of ppl undergoing surgery coz they feel that ppl dont smile at them, that ppl looked down on them coz of the way they looked, coz ppl didnt give them good jobs etc etc.. and there was even this girl who had to work as a prostituite to support her drunk dad and the clients didnt even want her coz she had droopy eyes and buck teeth. luckily for her, her sad story was made known on some tv program and she went for free cosmetic surgery to become "beautiful". she said she asked her current bf if he still wanted to be with her if she went abck to her sual looks and his striaght answer was NO.

i guess we have to live with this cruel fact. after all, beauty=health. that's why we are attrated to beautiful ppl. it's for reproduction.. better genes!

but if we can't change genes, we can change other things.. is that's why there are so many courses today about beauty and presentation, speaking etc etc.. coz ppl know it's important? but most of us i would say are in denial. classic exampple, our parents. haha,, well, they just want to make us happy i guess.

i was alwyas made to feel horrible when i'm vain. my parents wil criticise girls horribly vain on the street, schools suppress vainity amongst girls, bitchy girls on movies are always vain. but when i watch "the swan" or other reality plastic surgery show on tv, the ppl who are there are really truthful and not afraid to say that they want to be beautiful. which i find very admirable.

maybe i care too much about what ppl think about me...


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