Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

poor doggy

Fucking pissed... not becoz they girl ill treated her dog, not becoz the dog is freaking skinny, not becoz her bf bought her the dog and she prob doesn't want it, not becoz the dog has a bruised nose, not becoz she throws the dog down on the floor, not becoz she didn't toilet train the dog properly, not becoz she punishes the dog by hitting her nasal plate(aka the nose area), not becoz she claimed she brought the dog to the vet and the vet said that it was okie..

i'm fucking pissed coz i CANNOT DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why? coz it's none of my freaking business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the moment i arrived at joon's party i saw this beautiful dog with maltese/terrier mix, light brown(like knuckles) and short soft skily fur. the moment i held her... my goodness.. she's freaking skinny! i could feel every spinous process of her spinal vertebra and her ribs. her lumber region of the abdomen was concave and her nose was pink.

okie i thought.. this case looks alot like the dog is suffering but i shall clam down and check it out. so i asked for the owner's name and decided to talk to her. i asked about the dog's eatting habits and i tried to be as friendly and not intimidating at all. she claimed that the dog ate alot and she brought the dog recently to the vet and that everything is okie. alright i thought, just a case of a dog who cannot get fat.

but later on alot alot alot of ppl commented that she was very skinny and all the owner said was that "she's okie... puppy mah.."

like NO!!!!!!! she IS DAMN SKINNY like a somalian kid during thr drought!

she left the dog on a chair coz so that the dog didn't wonder around the house. and the dog didn't know how to get down, so she was stuck on the chair. like, onli a malnourished, sick, untrained puppy wouldn't know how to jump down a chair less than a metre high. freak! what the hell is wrong with her?? later on, alot of ppl left the party and the dog was allowed to roam around. suddenly ni noticed that she was shivering non-stop. so ni and i took turns to hug her and try to keep her warm, but she keep shivering. so i told the owner, do u wanna wrap her in a blanket, and she said "no.. she's okie, that's coz she drank cold water joon win gave her"

like WTF??? my cat drinks cold water all the time and she never, never gets like this. and anyway, your dog is SHIVERING, obviously it is uncomfortable, shouldn't you feel that something is wrong??? that your dog is not strong enough?

then the best part came. the dog, who is obviously not toilet trained properly, pooed on the carpet, and she picked up the dog and started hitting his nose!!!!!!!!!

it's okie to punish your dog if she has done something wrong, wack her butt, shout "no" loudly, or hit any fleshy part of the body that would inflick pain but not too much of it. but she hit the nose. whch is the dog's most sensitive part of the body! freak what was she thinking??? no wonder the nose was pink! it's bruised and in pain!!!!!!!!!! it's swollen, like an inflammation!!!

then she threw the dog down after hitting it! WTF????????

i was so angry, i loked away when she hit the dog. at first, i was in denial, i was like "no.. that can't be happening" but later on, in the lift, the sence kept replaying in my head and i was so freaking pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's wrong! it's darn worng and it's animal abuse!

then the best part was in the lift, she said to another fren, you want the dog? take it. yah my bf bought it for me.

so you dont want the dog in the first place, why did your freaking bf buy it for you then?

these ignorant ppl do not understand that adopting/buying a dog is like adopting a CHILD into your home. you feed it, clean after it, watch over it, play with it, accompany it and train it to behave. not toilet training your dog is like telling your child "kid, shit anywhere u like". i know it's hard to train. but even if you make the effort, it's enough. and eventually your dog will get.

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh freak... so much for my love for animals and the environment. there is nothing i can do to change other ppl's treatment of animals. what i can do is onli so much and that situation. it was noooooooooooooooooo .. cannot do anything..



  • At 10:17 PM , Blogger ^MeL^ said...

    Why don't you report her. Or if that's not possible, why don't you offer to take ownership of the dog from her if you have the means? yucks,it really goes to show there are such horrible people out there. Tell her to get a life! Maybe the bf ill-treats her, so she's also taking it out on the dog. I'd love to slap her...oh well...


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