Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

weight issues

i've always wished to loss a few kg, and return to my normal weight ~ 50kg (hey, i take it that what you read here remains here okie!!! dont go blabbering to other ppl)

and recently, i did return to somewhat near my normal weight.. i want to feel satisfied, but the constant images of thinner ppl haunt me!! i mean, if they get skinnier, i get fatter! right?

recently, i've learn of some o fmy frens becoming thinner and slimmer coz of work outs and stuff, and there even one fren who was so skinny she (not you sher..) looked bulimic or anorexic!!! there are also news of stars like linsay and nicole richie and hillary duff who have slimmed down so much!!!

do you guys know that 50Kg for my height is 1.5% overweight???????? yeah, that's what the bloody nurse in my secondary sch told me... i was like.. "give me a break man!!"

i've never really watched mmy diet intensively, i loveeeeeee to eat, jsut yesterday, i ate 3 big scopes of ice cream from gelatissimo, the store owner was so shcoked that she kept teasing me on how i managed to squeeze all that ice cream into my body, then someone on the road side joked: "it's in her hand bag! then today i ate 1/2 a large pizza for dinner!!!!

the onli excercise i do is dance, and i know after i stop my dance activities, i'm going to grow so damn fat! i need to find an interest in the gym soon, or i'll end up fat and ugly! but how? i've never enjoyed running aimlessly on the threadmill, i just feel that it's so boring!! besides, i dont have the stamina for it..

funny though, i have a lot of engergy in dance, my frens also say that my energy leel is very high in dance but i just cannot seem to find the same enthusiasium in the gym. but i know i have to find it soon!

as for my weight issues..... i thought i was over it, but it's suddenly back again,.. i know i'm not FAT. but compared to aot more other girls, i'm on the pump, meaty side. you get what i mean? and espcially when i go back to singapore, all the girls there are freaking skinny.. i feel so inferior. i need to find that confidence.. but where??? new clothes?(maybe.. *wink..)

fromnow on, i think i shall be a little more consicous about my eating habbits. at least dont eat too much unhealthy things... but somehow i know i wont follow hti splan for long.

one more thing. i use to wish i had longer legs... but something happened recently that made me change my mind. i went to the royal children's hopspital to perform for sick kids 2 weeks ago, i saw some disabled kids in wheelchairs, and the moment their parents saw us, they pushed their kids away. i felt sad that they weren't able to join in our dance... then i looked at my 2 legs and thought, "at least they can walk and run, and even dance.. i should be darn satisfied.."


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