Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Friday, September 09, 2005

there's no end to studying

there really isn't....

the moment i finish studying physiolgy renal, i have to start on immunophysiology, then later on., there are the constant anatomy practs to study fo, not forgetting biochem...

when will it end? when i die??????????

hahha.. kidding lah.. i will never take my life even if it kills me(haha.. so cheesy..)

coz i believe that the life you have is not yours. it was given to you, and it is only proper if you take good care of it. (",)

anyhow, i wish to comment on this word : RESPECT

why is it that some ppl do not respect other when they clearly deserve it? why is it that ... sigh,.. i dunnoe how to phrase this.. but.... yeah, i feel a litlle disrespect from some ppl whom i shall not name and reasons shll not be disclosed too.... sorry guys..

anywayz, the weather here is getting a litlle warmer!!!!!!!!!! yippe!!!!!!!!!!!!1 srping is already here! the flowers are all blooming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the cold (most of it) is gone, and sun shines on my happy face.. there's the occasional rain though... haha hope the weather will always be warm like today!



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