Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

the abattoir

Today, my group had a trip to the slaughterhouse. It really wasn;t as bad as i'd expected it to be.

bascically, the sheep are put on this conveyer belt, with their heads covered so they can't see a thing, then as they emerge to the "sticking point" (cutting point), they get to look around for about 1 second beofre electrodes are placed btw their ears and it stuns them. they go into a state of epiletic fit for about about 45 seconds where they are unconsious. before they become consious again, their necks are slashed with a very very sharp knife by 2 muslim men (so the meat is halal)

the only horrible part was when the sheep were bleeding to them, because they are fitting, some of them are still kicking and "struggling" when really, they are just in a state of fit. it was quite a sight to see an entire floor covered with bright red blood, like tomato ketcup. in fact it was gross. but torable consiering my many many more horrible, smelly, decomposing Post mortem practicals.

all those horror stories you hear about slaughtering? Not here.

yeah.. i was actually wondering if i could ever eat meat again after this trip, but i guess i still can. they were really humanely slaughtered.

One thing about this abattoir is that words like "abattoir, kill and slaughter" are actually banned! The manager of the place (processing plant they call it) is a psychologist and she took measures to entire a high standard of staff moral to enhance their productivity.

I guess working in a factory, where you do the same horrible thing everyday: slaughtering, cutting together with all the bad smell and almost no interaction or variation can bring people down. Apparently, abattoirs in the past (and some still) are extremely horrible places to work in. horrible as in not the job itself, the people too. they were rude, male dominated, rowdy, work safety was at a zero coz of knives and anger and dissatisfaction. This "processing plant" is revolutionazing these stigmas now. cool..

Oh.. but i dont think i'm ever eating suagages again.. they are really made of real intestine walls!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! everytime someone said that sausgaes are made of intestine walss i thought they wer joking. i had no freaking clue that it is true!!!! and you know what! they dont wash the insides of the intestine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are just rolled out, washed on the outside and run thru rollers to flatten and squeeze out the insides of the intestine but no water actually runs thru it!!!

ekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! never again!! never again!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

student hostels

here's a reply i got recently from a potential housemat ebakc in singaproe. yup i have extended my adds to singapore IDP..

I've discussed with my parents and they both feel that it would be
better for a sotong like me to stay in a student hostel first. They
are afraid I cannot handle moving into a room without furniture.
Especially when I have to deal with a whole new environment. Haha. So
thanks anyway!"

hmm.. i dont wanns sound like i am promoting my apartment nor do i wanna be a push over or a bossy person or try acting like a mom, but..

since when did student hostels help you cope with a new environment, a new life????! yeah sure there's furniture.. they forgot to mention the bit where there is lots of hidden costs, possibly needing to share a kitchen and toilet, possibly loneliness.

I mean, if back then, someone offered to put me up for 953 (cheaper than college sq still or 975, now i know it's like 1000++) i would take it.someone who alreadi is a fren who can guide you and (she doesn;t know) but would love to help her in this tranistion because i know how it feels)

okie okie i'm just beign upset about the rejection. I mean, she replied me 2 days late!!! but i was looking forward to her. also, i am partly worried about her for thinking that student hostels are good.

she really doeant know what is coming her way...

what makes me happy

I've been thinking about this for a long time... Because i told myself that i need to start doing things that make me happy. even if i dont succeed, at least i tried, so that's half happy..

- do well in studies and being competent.
- make lots of money
- dress up and be vain and look good
- pampering myself with beauty products.
- meals with friends
- birthday parties with friends
- catching up with old friends
- cooking nice meals for myself, family and frenz
- clubbing and dancing to great music all night long with party-able friends
- improving myself with skills, knowledge,...
- spending quality time with family. this does not include holidays with them. i prefer to sit around at home with them to rot, then watch tv/movies, go eat, talk...
- eating healthy food.
- eating chocolate. as long as it's not too much.

realise that shopping isn't actually on this list coz it makes me feel guilty later. so does playing sims2.

p/s: siaowen! i didn;t read ur blog before i wrote this! ahhhh ! great minds think alike..

Monday, October 01, 2007

proof of the chnages 2

regarding the previous posts.. what i mean when i say that the chnages are true, is that, if you look at a past entry, i did the same quiz about sometime in the begining of last year, and on the "weaknesses" bit, there was neer a "pessimism" and a "close-mindedness"

yeah.. hence the "proof of the changes bit"

anyway, dawn came back alreadi! i had such a good time talking to her over dinner yesterday. She's so nice to be around with, she giggles, laughes and most of all, she always looks on the positive side of things. I really must learn from her.

on another notes, her mom bought me perfume.. so sweet right? so she says i take care of dawn alot.. awwwww..

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Proof of the changes

Dating StrengthsDating Weaknesses
1. Appearance - 87.5%
2. Spirituality - 84.6%
3. Kindness - 81.8%
4. Financial Situation - 76.9%
5. Generosity - 73.3%
1. Vanity - 83.3%
2. Pessimism - 66.7%
3. Closed-Mindedness - 54.5%
4. Temper - 50%

Dating Strengths Explained
Appearance - Despite what some will say, appearance matters in dating. You get high marks on appearance. Just make sure you balance it out with other qualities.
Spirituality - Your spiritual side brings you peace and balance, and keeps you grounded. This is attractive, as you can help reinforce this quality in other people.
Kindness - You treat other people with empathy and goodwill. This positive trait helps you stand out and draw people into your warmth.
Financial Situation - You've got your financial situation under control, which is a very desirable quality. Be careful to avoid guys who are only interested in your money.
Generosity - You are a giving person by nature. Others will see this quality in you and recognize your kind nature. Take care not to let others take advantage of you.

Dating Weaknesses Explained
Vanity - Learn to put a lower priority on looks. Appearance is, of course, important, but vanity is undesireable. The only people you will attract are the superficial.
Pessimism - Too much cynicism can be a turn-off. Try to see the brighter side of things and people will be attracted to your positive outlook.
Closed-Mindedness - You are very fixed in your world-view, but if you open up a little you will see that people can hold different beliefs and still get along well.
Temper - You need to work on controlling your temper. Don't let your anger get the best of you. A calm and rational persona is important when dating.

Dating Strengths and Weaknesses Quiz by Dating Diversions


After reading thru some of my older blog entries these few days.. I realised how some things never change

- Every now and then i still grumble about being alone and how i hate it (this is like my number 1 enemy)
- Every so and so i also whine about my barren social life
- And how i slightly regret being in this course, yet talk about saving animals all the time and how nice it is...
- How much i miss my family dearly, especially after they've gone home from a visit.
- How it pains me to see my grandma suffer from old age and chemo
- How it frustrates me to see my brother grow up like this and behave like that and do this and that...
- And the classic, my feminist side roaring, like how i hate skinny bitches who starve themselves, how i hate it when men treat women like crap.
- Declaring my undying love for my sims2 game. and how i miss it, especially during exam periods.

I also realise how much i;ve grown.. how i take things a little lighter now, how i see things differently, for example, i dont get so angry when i see a lousy movie i dont liek anymroe. how i've become so much closer to my family and how much mroe i appreciate them now. and how i've become aware of myself and my place in this place(gettit?)

but something did changed for the worse.. i realise that my past entries, though filled with pain, always ends with something light hearted. I was far more optimistic back then.
'you've always had yourself in college square" was what my fren said to me recently. true, so true.. comparing my life then to now, it's suppose to be so much better. i have a car, i have more frens (though they are all paired up and don;t go out as often as i liked, back then i didn't even go out as often), i have family here, i am graduating too, though i have mreo work, it's mreo interesting. All in all, i was just coping much better back in my days in college square.

maybe it's just for survival you know, like when you are down to the very end, you are somehow able to pick urself up so easily simply coz there is nothing else you can do to make you feel better. but whatever it is, i really want ot start it again.

now i really gotta start studying! i've blogged for an hour!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

nerves once more

OMG.. i've been there TWICE.. yet i feel nervous thinking about driving to my work place again. This is absolutely irrational fear! please Ning stop stressing!!! my heart rate elevates, my breathing becomes shallow and slow, my stomach become supset. i mean i've been the toilet twice today already just thinking about it. Please Ning calm down!

You've been there, they are nice, the journey is alright, Yes there are lots of cars but you are fine. you've been there. no biggie..

CALM DOWN........ breatheeeeeeeeeeeeee breatheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee breatheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

i tell myself it's okie

yeah.. just now i asked if they had eaten lunch "no, but we had breakfast"

didn't i just ask her yesterday if they were free for breakfast together?

normally, i would feel shit. but just now, i was like.."oh okie"

this i called progress.

i mean, seriously, i dont wanan care about these things anymore. i'm just nummbed to it, and it ell myself that is okie, coz i have my own company.

yesterday joonwin spoke to me about this thing that i'm going thru. very ncie of him. glad to hear that people actually cared. even if they dont, all i need to care about now is me myself and I anyway.

realli doesn't matter

we're angry, we're loud, we're union and we're proud

there was this major protest on the street just now outside my window. i mean, hey, aussies protest all the time, but this was one of the biggest i've seen. the hord of people spanned both sides of the road and stretched thru 3 streets.

i think it's some work rights thing.. hmm, i'm not sure, but they were LOUD.

"we're angry, we're loud, we're union and we're proud"

"the workers, united, will never be defeated"

and they even SANG SONGS, kinda lame but catchy.

ahhhhh reminds me of the time i joined the protest in melb uni school against increase in sch fees.

ahhhhhhh Only in Melbourne..

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

sorrie for spamming!!

sorry guys.. i just added my old blogger to my multiply one.. i hope you all didn't get spam mail!

these are like realli OLD stuff so dont bother reading.. coz i kinda added it for my own reading leisure..