Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

my biggest studying flaw

just finished my assignment halfway.. really wanted to continue but can't! why?? coz when the lecturer was explaining the experimental results in lecture, i was there in my set sleeping all the way.

my biggest studying flaw number - Simply CANNOT keep awake in lectures.

no matter how much i sleep the night before, if the lecture is boring and if i have nothing to copy down or write in my notes, i will start to day dream, then blink, slower and slower, then cross my arms, hang my head down and go to sleep. and its becoz of this habit of mine that makes me soooooooo unaware of alot of things going on in class and pracs. like lectures will tell us we'll be doing this prac on this day and i'll just miss it totally and end up preparing another prac. i really must try to keep awake in lectures!! really really must! i am that bad! the moment i close my eyes, i sleep,, and i dream! that means i;m in deep sleep already!! perhaps i should drink green tea.. and stock it up in my locker.. no,.. coffee never wokred for me... somehow i still sleep.. yea i am that bad..


  • At 11:45 PM , Blogger joonwin said...

    i'm not a great artist, but i sure as hell know how about keeping awake in class. my classmates call me buddha, cos i always do the nodding thing. lol. draw cartoons all over your lecture notes when you're bored. or write poems. or just scribble your fav lyrics. or how about some flare-provided sweeties? haha. snakes were great. one packet per lecture for me ;)

  • At 11:51 PM , Blogger Ningning said...

    hahahha. i dont have the habit of drawing tsuff on my notes leh.. i use to have that habit until i tot it made my notes look damn ugly! no! i drew quite nicely okie.... and eat sankes all the time? boring and fat! haha but thanks anwyayzzzz

  • At 1:40 AM , Blogger joonwin said...

    nice? never see b4..... all the sugar will be used by the me! who's the graduate here huh? bleh ;p


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