Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, November 06, 2006


My bad habits...

if you think i'm not listening to you coz i'm looking away or seem uninterested, i most probably am, unless i said 'huh?'.

if you think i'm not talking much coz i dont care, i do. i am most probably thinking of a solution or worrying about it.

if you think i ignore what you said, and continued talking about something else. i didn't. i most probably wanted to get back to you on it after what i finished what i said, coz if not, i will forget on what i wanted to say. but more often than not, i foget to get to you on it.

if you think i forgot to hug and greet you, dont think i've not seen you and if not happy to see your arrival. i'm probably eating or distracted by the number of people arriving and overwhelmed. so notice how i give you a biger hug goodbye.

if you think i'm mad with you coz i pull a long face, more often than not, i am mad with myself and is sulking coz of regret.

if you think i'm quiet and not talking much when we go out. i;m not sian, i'm either tired, or just overwhelmed with your energy that i feel the need to moderate and hence quiet down.



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